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Protection methods

- During cultivation

When the disease is observed in an established culture, there is unfortunately no curative control method to remedy it. Several fungicides * are commonly used to control pythiaceae. Propamocarb HCl applied alone or in combination with fosetyl-aluminum is the only product approved on lettuce, more particularly on chicory, in France ( e-phy ); its effectiveness seems quite limited. It should be noted that some of the systemic fungicides used to fight downy mildew ( Bremia lactucae ) could have some efficacy against this Pythium .

As far as possible, diseased plants should be eliminated as soon as the first symptoms appear, so that Pythium tracheiphilum does not multiply on them.

- Next crop

on affected farms will be carefully monitored Nurseries for the presence of Pythium tracheiphilum . If this is the case, disinfection of the soil should be considered using the following active ingredients: propamocarb HCl, dazomet, metam sodium alone or combined with dimethylpolysiloxane ( e-phy ). Subsequently, the plants will be produced on a healthy substrate. Clods or trays will not be placed on the ground, especially if it has not been disinfected. It will be preferable to place them on a plastic film or on a tablet (consult the recommended hygiene and disinfection measures ).

When planting planting , avoid plants in soils that are too wet or too cold; the irrigations carried out at this stage of the crop should not be too excessive. We must be wary of the sanitary quality of irrigation water that comes from canals or basins that may have been contaminated.

Field and greenhouse lettuce show differences in varietal sensitivity .

Many of the control methods recommended to combat pythiaceae can be implemented in the case of this Pythium . We advise you to refer to the methods of protection of various Oomycetes .

Last change : 04/26/21