• Quae



saprophyte : organism living on another organism during part of its lifecycle or living on the dead tissues of its host

sclerotium (pl. sclerotia) : compact mass of specialiced hyphal cells, often brown to black, survives in unfavourable conditions

serum : part of blood which contains antibodies

sorus (pl. sori) : compact fruiting structure of spores located under leaf epidermis of plants affected by rust

strain : Biotype ; race ; an organism or group of organisms that differs in minor aspects from other organisms of the same species or variety

sporangium (pl. sporangia) : organ containing  asexual spores, sometimes zoospores

spore : one – to many celled reproductive body in fungi and lower plants; maybe sexual or asexual, haploid or diploid

stoma (pl. stomata) : regulated opening in plant epidermis for passage of gases and water vapour

stroma (pl. stromata) : compat mass of mycelium that supports fruiting bodies

thallus (pl. thalli) : fungus body

teleomorphe : sexual stage of a fungus, called also the perfect stage, after fusion leading to formation of ascopores, basidiospsores

tolerance : characteristic of plants undergoing attacks of pathogens without losing their yield potential

toxin : poison produced by a living organism

urediospore (urediniospore) : binucleate repeating spore of rust fungi inside the sori

virulence : relative capacity to cause disease

zoospore : fungal spore having flagella and capable of locomotion in water

Last change : 05/17/13