• Quae



acervulus (pl. acervuli ) : asexual saucerlike fruiting body bearing short conidiophores and conidia

agressivity : a quantitative component of pathogenicity of micro-organism

anamorphe : the asexual form in the life cycle of a fungus, when asexual spores (such as conidia) or no spores are produced

anastomosis : fusion of mycelial hypha beloning to the same thallus or complementary thalli

antheridium (pl. antheridia) :  male sex organ of some species of fungi

anthocyanin : any of a class of soluble glycoside pigments that are responsible for most of the blue to red colours in leaves, flowers, and other plant parts

antibody : a specific protein produced by an organism in response to an antigen

antigene : a foreign molecule, usually proteic, stimulating production of antibodies when injected to an animal

apothecium (pl. apothecia) : saucer-shaped or disc-shaped structure on which  ascospores are formed in Ascomycetes

appressorium (pl. appressoria) : swollen, flattened tip of a fungal filament that adheres to the surface of a higher plant, thus providing anchorage for invasion by the fungus

ascus (pl. asci) : saclike cellular structure in which 8 ascospores are borne and which is characteristic to Ascomycetes

ascocarpe : sexual fruiting body of Ascomycetes

Ascomycete (adj. ascomycetous) : member of a group of fungi producing sexual spores, ascospores, within an ascus

ascospore : spore resulting from sexual reproduction in Ascomycetes produced within an ascus

avirulent : qualifies, for example, a strain of a micro-organism unable to cause disease to a specific cultivar

Last change : 05/06/13