• Quae


parasite : organism that lives in or on another organism and obtains food from it

pathotype :  subdivision of a pathogen species characterised by its pattern of virulence or avirulence to a series of differential host varieties

parthenogenetic : reproducing by parthenogenesis, that is with egg developing without fertilisation

perithecium (pl. perithecia): flask-shaped or subglobose, thin-walled fungus fruiting body (ascocarp) containing asci and ascospores; spores are expelled or released through a pore (ostiole) at the apex

phloem : nutrient-conducting vascular tissue in plants, consisting of sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma and fibres

breeding pressure : coercion by plants, a pesticide ... in respect of a population of a micro-organism causing a change in the genetic composition of individuals in this population

procaryote : a cell or organism lacking a true nucleus 

propagule : any part of an organism capable of independent growth

protoplast : plant cell from which the outer wall has been partially or completely removed

pycnide : a rounded or flask-shaped asexual fruiting body containing conidia or spores found in certain fungi

physiological race : see pathotype

monogenic resistance : resistance conferred by a single gene

rhizosphere : soil zone that is influenced by the roots

Last change : 05/17/13