

Welcome to Vigil'encre (=Vigil'ink), an application dedicated to the reporting of chestnut ink disease, orchards and forests, as part of a participatory science project. This disease is currently the main brake on the cultivation of chestnut in France and in Europe. Several models predict an increase in the incidence of climate change in the coming years. However, in order to better assess the risks involved, it is necessary to know precisely its current range.
This application allows to recognize the symptoms on chestnut, in order to declare its presence in various situations (forest, orchards, garden).
Thanks to an image recognition and management tool, you will be able to identify the main diseases and causes of chestnut dieback from photographs and specific criteria, thus avoiding any risk of confusion and other problems than ink.
Thanks to a smartphone, once the ink disease has been identified, you will be able to declare your presence in a georeferenced location at any time by completing a short questionnaire, and by making or not making associated photos.
You can also declare your presence directly on the web, by registering for free on the ephytia website via the "REGISTRATION" tab on the top right. Once connected, the "Add observation" tab appears and you can access the declarative page and add an observation.
By sending samples (soil or plant samples), you will be able to participate actively in the research programs carried out on this disease by allowing the analysis of these samples in the laboratory to identify the pathogen causing the disease. symptoms observed.
Your reports will be used to feed the INRA databases, to evaluate the distribution of ink disease and these causal pathogens and to put in place relevant and reliable health management measures.