


  • Hymenoptera insects grouping together about 14,000 species with or without a stinger, distributed in several globally distributed genera. More than 285 species are known in France.
  • They are social insects living in colonies.
  • Omnivorous eating behavior, feeding on aphid honeydew, various insects and small invertebrates, plant substances and parts of plants including fruits, etc.
  • Ants show different behaviors on plants: breeding aphids, predation of phytophagous pests, parasitism, etc.
  • The workers cause the damage observed on plants. Occasionally serious on eggplant, especially in certain crops under cover.
  • Sensitive crops :
  • Organs attacked  : neck, stem close to the ground, fruits.
  • Symptoms :
    • more or less deep degradation of the cortex on sections of stems close to the ground, and at the neck.
    • Browning vascular tisus put in the air and therefore more protected.
    • Poor growth, loss of vigor of plants.
    • Leaf wilt, plant dieback.
    • Depreciation of fruit quality, even loss of harvest of affected plants.
  • Signs  : Presence of small earthy conical domes at the base of the eggplant stems.
  • Possible confusion :


  • Development cycle : it mainly includes 4 stages in ants and lasts an average of 5 to 10 weeks.
    • The queen lays small, smooth eggs that evolve into larvae in about ten days.
    • The larvae are medium to large in size; their body is made up of several small rings. Four to five larval stages may follow one another over a period of 2 to 4 weeks.
    • Subsequently, we find the nymphs which are the same size as the ants, but they are folded on themselves and are sometimes wrapped in a cocoon. It takes a week to 1 month for the nymph to become an adult.
    • As soon as they are born, adult ants show different activities depending on their caste.


  • These pests do not normally require special interventions in crops.
Last change : 10/12/21
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Figure 5