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Aerial roots on stem

Aerial roots can appear on the stalk of the tomato, as we have already described for black pith. Very often, we first notice the development of numerous small isolated protuberances or more or less aligned (figure 1). These then split open and give rise to a root which may remain very short (rough root) or reach several centimeters. In some cases, the root emission will be much more brutal, stem bursts and cortical tissue detachments will take place. This manifestation can take place at all levels of the stem; it is rarer near the apex.
In fact, this manifestation is not specific to the black pith but can be associated with various parasitic diseases or not of the tomato. It is often a "marker" of poor functioning of plants. In fact, when plants are too vigorous or their water and nutrient supply is disturbed (due, for example, to deterioration of the roots or the stem), they fairly regularly emit adventitious roots. It should also be noted that certain varieties of tomato placed under particular production conditions (excess humidity, lack of water ) can physiologically produce adventitious roots . These symptoms do not seem to penalize the development of plants. It will nevertheless be advisable to avoid cultivating this type of variety which expresses these symptoms too easily.
Last change : 07/08/21
Figure 1