Eggplant leaf partially perforated by an <i><b>Epitrix</i> sp.</b>
Detail of the small perforations of the blade caused by an <i><b>Epitrix</i> sp.</b> on an aubergine leaf.
Group of adults and <i><b>Epitrix</i> sp.</b> damage observed on the underside of an eggplant leaf.
Eggplant plant with <i><b>Epitrix</i> sp.</b> damage on leaves.
Eggplant leaf particularly attacked by <i><b>Epitrix</i></b> sp.
In the presence of high populations of<i><b> Epitrix</i> sp. </b>the lamina looks like lace.
Detail of the leaf blade of an eggplant riddled with <i><b>Epitrix</i></b> spp., which looks like a lace.
Eggplant leaves badly attacked by <i><b>Epitrix</i> sp.  </b>
Several leaves of this eggplant plant are riddled with numerous small perforations.  <b><i>Epitrix</i> sp.</b>
<i><b>Epitrix hirtipennis</b></i> adults eating the petals of an eggplant flower.
<i><b>Epitrix-hirtipennis</i></b> damage on eggplant leaf.
Adult of <i><b>Epitrix</i></b> spp.  on eggplant leaf
Detail of an adult <b><i>Epitrix </i> sp.</b> observed in Mayotte on eggplant.