Final diagnosis

Stemphyliosis of Solanaceae

Numerous small beige to brown lesions dot the leaflets of this tomato leaf observed in the field.  <i><b>Stemphylium solani</b></i> (stemphyliosis)
The spots on tomato leaflets are small, brownish and dull, and the center gradually lightens to take on a beige color in time (in the field).  <i><b>Stemphylium solani</b> </i>(stemphyliosis)
Numerous small beige to brown lesions dot the leaflets of this tomato leaf observed under shelter.  Note the presence of a yellow halo surrounding the lesions.  <i><b>Stemphylium solani</b></i> (stemphyliosis)
The spots on tomato leaflets are small, brownish and dull, and the center gradually lightens to a beige tint in time (under cover).  <i><b>Stemphylium solani</b> </i>(stemphyliosis)
The spots under tomato leaflets are small, brownish and dull, and less marked (under cover).  <i><b>Stemphylium solani</b> </i>(stemphyliosis)
Small, dull brownish lesions on tomato leaflets.  <i><b>Stemphylium solani</b> </i>(stemphyliosis)
In roots strongly attacked by <b><i>Meloidogyne</i> spp.</b>, it is quite easy to observe with a binocular magnifying glass, and by delicately tearing the tissues of the cortex, hypertrophied females of white color (root-knot nematodes)
Weathered leaf tissue eventually breaks down and falls off, with tomato leaflets becoming partially riddled.  (under shelter).  <i><b>Stemphylium solani</b> </i>(stemphyliosis)
Small rounded or sometimes slightly angular spots, initially brown, the center of which becomes lighter (gray) and splits.  <i><b>Stemphylium solani</b></i> (stemphyliosis, gray leaf spot)
As we age, these small spots dry out completely and the leaf blade eventually falls off, revealing a hole.  <i><b>Stemphylium solani</b></i> (stemphyliosis, gray leaf spot)
Some spots may merge causing very significant damage in the long term.  <i><b>Stemphylium solani</b></i> (stemphyliosis, gray leaf spot)
Slight chlorosis of the leaf blade on the periphery of the spots.  <i><b>Stemphylium solani</b></i> (stemphyliosis, gray leaf spot)
Conidiophores portant des conidies de <i><b>Stemphylium vesicarium</b></i>. (Stemphyliose - grey leaf spot)
<i><b>Stemphylium vesicarium</b></i> has conidia with rounded ends, echinulate wall, with 2 to 4 constrictions.  They also have a brown hue, a rectangular shape and measure 26-44 x 12-20 µm.  The perfect form of the fungus, <i>Pleospora allii</i> forms on an artificial medium in vitro.  (Stemphyliosis _ gray leaf spot)
Detail of the conidia of <i><b>Stemphylium vesicarium</b></i> (Stemphyliosis - gray leaf spot)
Conidiophores bearing conidia isolated from <b><i>Stemphylium solani</i></b>.  (Stemphyliosis - gray leaf spot)
The conidia of <b><i>Stemphylium solani</i></b> are also ripe-shaped, brown and have a pointed apex (sometimes eccentric) and a warty wall.  They reveal fewer constrictions, one to two, and are shorter (63-52 x 14-20 µm) than those of <i>S.  floridanum</i>.  This species also does not have a sexual form.  (Stemphyliosis - gray leaf spot)
Conidiophores at the end of which septate conidia of <i><b>Stemphylium floridanum</b></i> have formed.(Stemphyliose - gray leaf spot)
Les conidiophores de <i><b>Stemphylium floridanum</b></i>, comme ceux de <i>S. solani</i>, sont cloisonnés, rigides, plus ou moins long et mélanisés, avec une extrémité enflée. A partir de celle-ci se forment des conidies mûriformes. (Stemphyliose - grey leaf spot)
Detail of conidia of <i><b>Stemphylium floridanum</b></i>.  Note their mature appearance.  (Stemphyliosis - gray leaf spot)