Final diagnosis

Polyphylla (or Frenching)

In some cases of affected plants the leaves are bleached and narrower. Polyphylla (Frenching)
Interveinal yellowing of young leaves; veins remain green. Polyphylla (Frenching).
When the disease occurs early, the slender and wavy edged leaves give the plants a very special bushy appearance. Polyphylla (or Frenching)
Many axillary branches with filiformis leaves give the plant a very particular appearance. Polyphylla (or Frenching)
Late appearance of Polyphylla (or Frenching) on tobacco plant: only the apex leaves are chlorosed.
A very characteristic chlorosis which affects mainly the interveinal tissues, the veins remain dark green. Polyphylla (or Frenching)
Several recently developed leaves are narrower than the normal surrounding leaves. Their slender shape gives them a sword-like appearance. Polyphylla (or Frenching)