Final diagnosis

Rots Aspergillus

We can distinguish rots caused by Aspergillus spp.  to the appearance of berries which become soft and dull.  They take on a whitish tint on white <b> <i> Aspergillus </i> sp. </b> (Aspergillus rot)
The rot caused by <i> <b> Aspergillus niger </b> </i> on white grape berries is soft and whitish.
On this cluster with many botrytised berries, some of them colonized by an <b> <i> Aspergillus </i> sp. </b> show a whitish color (white grape varieties).  (Aspergillus rot)
Detail of a berry rotten by an <b> <i> Aspergillus </i> sp. </b> It is soft and dull, shriveled and whitish in color.  The black sporulation of the fungus is clearly visible locally.  (Aspergillus rot)
Almost all of the berries are collapsed and covered by the mold produced by an <b> <i> Aspergillus </i> sp. </b> Only two berries also affected, whitish are still visible (white grape varieties).  (Aspergillus rot)
Detail of berries entirely rotten by a <b> <i> Aspergillus </i> sp. </b> (white grape varieties).  (Aspergillus rot)
<b> <i> Aspergillus niger </i> </b> has sporulated heavily on many berries, these appear somewhat charcoal.
Details of sporulation of <b> <i> Aspergillus </i> sp. </b> on red grape berries.  (Aspergillus rot)
<b> <i> Aspergillus niger </i> </b> sporulates profusely on rotten berries, producing brown conidia, in chains, united at the end of erect and swollen conidiophores, bearing numerous phialids.
Conidiophres <b><i>Aspergillus</i> sp.</b>
It is on this vesicle, typical of the <i> Aspergillus </i> genus, that the phyalids are located, which cover the entire surface (radial) <b> <i> Aspergillus </i> sp. </ B > (rot caused by Aspergillus)
On the hyaline and white mycelium of <i> <b> Aspergillus niger </b> </i> we can clearly see the black sporulation of this ascomycete darkening the colony.