Protection methods
- Use disease-free seeds. Treatments of infected seeds based on copper + mancozeb, 1% peroxyacetic acid, and 1% sodium hypochlorite, would make it possible to disinfect them more or less effectively.
- Do not collect seeds from diseased fruits and use them later. Certainly partially contaminated, they will ensure early contamination of plants, probably already in the nursery.
- Use healthy plants. The bacterium seems capable of causing lesions on the cotyledons of certain Cucurbitaceae.
- Do not work in the crop when the plants are wet.
- Avoid sprinkling irrigations, or carry them out in the morning or during the day, but never in the evening. Thus, the aerial organs (leaves and fruits) will dry out quickly.
- Destroy plant debris and especially rotten fruit by burning them, or by burying them deeply.
- Carry out rotations of at least 3 years with non-host plants, which should not pose a problem because this bacteriosis is very specific to Cucurbitaceae.