Methods of protection

No protection method is currently sufficiently effective to control Pied noir when it occurs in the vineyard. We nevertheless suggest that you consult in Table 1 some practices frequently offered to winegrowers faced with this problem.

  • Carry out crop rotations both in the nursery and in the vineyard.
  • Perform a subsoiling and / or drainage in plots with beating soil, compacting easily and with hydromorphic tendency. Avoid wetness.
  • Avoid carrying out work on poorly drained soils and building plow bases.
  • To our knowledge, no rootstock tolerant or resistant to Blackfoot has been reported in the literature.
  • Deep scratch the ground in the fall and dry periods.
  • Make holes wide and deep enough before winter to get loose soil around the roots when you plant.
  • Avoid burying the seedlings too deeply when planting and planting late in heavy soils.
  • No chemical protection is currently approved in France for Black Foot use ( e-phy )

Note that fungicides such as manganese chloride, prochloraz, benomyl, fluzilazole or imazalil have been used successfully in South Africa to control Blackfoot. The use of preparations based on Trichoderma sp. would allow better rooting in the presence of the disease.

  • Avoid excessive irrigation and excessive nitrogen fertilization.
  • Avoid using tillage equipment and machinery that has been used in plots affected by Blackfoot in other plots, without having first cleaned and sometimes disinfected them.
  • Pull up plots strongly affected by Pied noir to avoid plot heterogeneity detrimental to the quality of the harvest
Last change : 04/20/21