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Botryosporium spp . 

It is not uncommon to observe on senescent tissues of tomatoes grown under cover (at the level of snags of stripping or disbudding wounds, of leaflets in the process of decomposition ...) the presence of a white mold. (figure 1). The latter is in fact made up of a multitude of long aerial conidiophores belonging to Botryosporium sp. , a fungus which appears to be a simple saprophytic colonizer of senescent tissues, causing no harm to the tomato.
It should be noted, however, that some species of Botryosporium may be more or less pathogenic on various plants. Two species, B. pulchrum Cad. and B. longibrachiatum (Oud.) Maire, have been reported on another nightshade, tobacco, the quality of which they depreciate in the long run by growing on the leaves being dried. In addition, B. longibrachiatum has reportedly been associated in Brazil with mortality of chilli twigs, yet another nightshade. B. pulchrum , him, également été Spaghetti pathogène comme sur feuilles de betterave et de Pelargonium .
Last change : 05/11/21
Figure 1