• Fn3Pt
  • Arvalis
  • innoplant
  • semae

Control measures


  • Store the seed potatoes in conditions that will ensure optimum physiological age and growth vigour. In practice, in Western Europe, the cultivars which are the most susceptible to incubation (rating less than 5) should be placed in cold storage early (before mid- October), and cooled down to 2-3°C , bearing in mind the susceptibility of the cultivar to low temperatures. Furthermore, if their vegetative rest period is short, presprouting, if practised, should be restricted to a maximum of one and a half months. Less susceptible cultivars (rating 5 to 7) may be placed in the cold room a little later (up to mid-November) and kept at 4°C. With slow-incubation cultivars (rating above 7), cooling should be regulated to avoid sprouting that is excessive or too early, and eliminate the phenomenon of apical dominance.


  • Use certified seed potatoes, and adapt the preplanting conditions according to the cultivar, the duration of the cycle of the crop and the physiological age of the seed tubers. Presprouting seed tubers to at least the “white dot” stage results in advanced emergence and usually good growth vigour.


  • Planting should be carried out in a warm, dry soil to ensure a regular emergence and growth.
Last change : 06/30/17