Final diagnosis

Meloidogyne spp.

<b><i>Meloidogyne </i>sp. </b> (Root knot nematode)
Wilting and drying out of areas of the leaf blade during the hottest times of the day.  <b> <i> Meloidogyne </i> sp.  </b> (root-knot nematodes)
The interveinal tissues of the lower leaves chlorinate, turn brown quickly and become necrotic.  <b> <i> Meloidogyne </i> sp.  </b> (root-knot nematodes)
Many white galls, round to more or less elongated, have formed on these melon roots.  <b> <i> Meloidogyne </i> sp.  </b> (root-knot nematodes)
Root system of melon heavily infested by a root knot nematode.  <b> <i> Meloidogyne </i> sp.  </b>
Detail of large galls on melon roots.  <b> <i> Meloidogyne </i> sp.  </b> (root-knot nematodes)
<b><i>Meloidogyne </i>sp. </b> (nématodes à galles)
<b><i>Meloidogyne </i>sp. </b> (Root knot nematode)
Root system of melon with a few large galls.  <b> <i> Meloidogyne </i> sp.  </b> (root-knot nematodes)
Very strong attack at the end of the development of root-knot nematodes on a melon root system.  <b> <i> Meloidogyne </i> sp.  </b>
In roots strongly attacked by <b> <i> Meloidogyne </i> spp. </b>, it is quite easy to observe with a binocular magnifying glass, and by delicately tearing the tissues of the cortex, enlarged females of white color (root-knot nematodes)
On this female extirpated from a gall, we can clearly see her stylet.  <b> <i> Meloidogyne </i> spp. </b> (root-knot nematodes)
<b> <i> Meloidogyne </i> spp. </b>, like other phytophagous nematodes, have a hollow buccal stylet allowing them to prick the cells in order to absorb the contents (root-knot nematodes).
In addition to females, the presence of adult nematodes or young larvae provided with a stylet confirms an attack of <b> <i> Meloidogyne </i> spp. </b> (root-knot nematodes, root-knot nematodes ).