Silver grey lesions caused by silver scurf <i><b>Helminthosporium solani</i></b>
Tubercules flétris atteints de gale argentée (en haut de l'image). <i><b> Helminthosporium solani</i></b>
Silver gray spots on tubers. <i> <b> Helminthosporium solani </i> </b> (silver scurf)
Silver grey lesions caused by silver scurf <i><b>Helminthosporium solani</i></b>
Silver grey lesions caused by silver scurf <i><b>Helminthosporium solani</i></b>
Comparison of silver scurf spots on the left  <i><b>Helminthosporium solani</i></b>) with black dot disease on the right (<i><b> Colletotrichum coccodes</i></b>) à droite.
close-up of well developed lesions caused by silver scurf with wrinkled skin and tiny black fructifications (spores) around the margin of the lesion. <i><b>Helminthosporium solani</i></b>