Final diagnosis

Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV)

This nerve lightening reaches a significant portion of the limbus tissues located between the veins.  <b> Pepino mosaic virus </b> (<i> Pepino mosaic virus </i>, PepMV)
At the start of the development, a thinning of the veins (vein clearing) begins to spread more or less regularly.  <b> Pepino mosaic virus </b> (<i> Pepino mosaic virus </i>, PepMV)
In this case, very limited areas of the leaf blade turn yellow in the form of rather irregularly shaped spots.  <b> Pepino mosaic virus </b> (<i> Pepino mosaic virus </i>, PeMV)
Several bright yellow spots dot this leaflet.  This symptom is very characteristic of a viral infection with <b> pepino mosaic virus </b> (<i> Pepino mosaic virus </i>, PepMV)
In some cases, a bright yellow to white patchwork mosaic may be seen.  This is somewhat reminiscent of the aucuba mosaic described for the ToMV.  <b> Pepino mosaic virus </b> (<i> Pepino mosaic virus </i>, PepMV)
Discrete, small, brownish lesions of reddish-brown color are distributed near the veins.  <b> Pepino mosaic virus </b> (<i> Pepino mosaic virus </i>, PepMV)
This ripe fruit infected with <b> pepino mosaic virus </b> (<i> Pepino mosaic virus </i>, PepMV) is more or less mottled and therefore has a slightly homogeneous color.
Chlorotic areas gradually becoming necrotic are visible at the base of each of the sepals, all around the peduncle.  <b> Pepino mosaic virus </b> (<i> Pepino mosaic virus </i>, PepMV)
The fruits can be mottled and therefore poorly colored.  <b> Pepino mosaic virus </b> (<i> Pepino mosaic virus </i>, PepMV)
These fruits all have a discreet marbling: areas of still chlorotic tissue alternating with normally colored and mature areas.  <b> Pepino mosaic virus </b> (<i> Pepino mosaic virus </i>, PepMV)