Final diagnosis

Rot <i>Rhizopus</i>

The berries in this cluster that were affected by <i> <b> Rhizopus stolonifer </b> </i> have changed color: they have become beige.
Several berries of this white grape variety have taken on a beige to whitish hue;  black mold is visible in some places.  <b> <i> Rhizopus stolonifer </i> </b> (<i> Rhizopus </i> rot)
This rotten berry has locally taken on a beigeish color;  the degraded film has split and it is already possible to observe some fruiting bodies of <b> <i> Rhizopus stolonifer </i> </b> (<i> Rhizopus </i> rot)
Erect sporangia containing the sporangiospores ("pin heads") are clearly visible in the heart of the rotten grape berries.  These sporangiospores easily ensure the dissemination of this fungus.  <i> <b> Rhizopus stolonifer </b> </i>
Young sporangiophores of <b> <i> Rhizopus stolonifer </i> </b>;  they are still hyaline like the sporangium located at their ends.  (<i> Rhizopus </i> rot)
Mature sporangiophores of <b> <i> Rhizopus stolonifer </i> </b>,;  they are strongly melanized and the sporangia contain numerous spores.  (<i> Rhizopus </i> rot)
Thanks to a binocular magnifying glass, we can clearly distinguish the rhizoid, the sporocystophore (or sporangiophore) and the sporocyst (or sporangium).  <i> <b> Rhizopus stolonifer </b> </i>
Appearance of two structures resulting from the asexual reproduction of <b> <i> Rhizopus stolonifer </i> </b>.  We can clearly distinguish the rhizoid, the sporangiophore terminated by the sporance.  (<i> Rhizopus </i> rot)
Appearance of structures associated with <b> <i> Rhizopus stolonifer </i> </b> development.  We can clearly distinguish the rhizoid, the sporangiophore terminated by the sporance.  (<i> Rhizopus </i> rot)
Detail of a mature sporangium of <b> <i> Rhizopus stolonifer </i> </b>.  (<i> Rhizopus </i> rot)
Columella of <i> <b> Rhizopus stolonifer </b> </i> on which some spores still remain.  (<i> Rhizopus </i> rot)
These unicellular, ovoid sporangiospores of <i> <b> Rhizopus stolonifer </b> </i> are slightly melanized.
<i><b>Rhizopus stolonifer</b></i> : appearance of the colony on malt-agar medium.