Final diagnosis

Phomopsis sclerotioides

Several lower leaves partially withered on adjacent melon stems.  <i> <b> Phomopsis sclerotioides </b> </i> (black root rot)
On this melon base, we can clearly see several chlorotic and withered leaves. <i> <b> Phomopsis sclerotioides </b> </i> (black root rot)
<i><b>Phomopsis sclerotioïdes</b></i> on melon
<i><b>Phomopsis sclerotioïdes</b></i> on melon
<i><b>Phomopsis sclerotioïdes</b></i> on melon
The damage is greater on this root system.  Many roots are rotten, on some the cortex has disappeared.  The altered tissue shows a reddish-brown coloration. <i> <b> Phomopsis sclerotioides </b> </i> (black root rot)
<i><b>Phomopsis sclerotioïdes</b></i> on melon
Another example of a root system affected by <i> <b> Phomopsis sclerotioides </b> </i> (black root rot)
<i><b>Phomopsis sclerotioïdes</b></i> on melon
<i><b>Phomopsis sclerotioïdes</b></i> on melon
Tiny black structures are visible on the part located to the right of this root: these are the pseudo-microsclerotia of <i> <b> Phomopsis sclerotioides </b> </i>.  (black root rot)
Many pseudo-microsclerotes are arranged in a "mosaic" on this root colonized by <i> <b> Phomopsis sclerotioïdes </b> </i>.  (black root rot)
<i><b>Phomopsis sclerotioïdes</b></i> on melon
On this root we can distinguish a more or less circular and blackish alteration, surrounded by a blacker "border" corresponding to the pseudo-stroma of <i> <b> Phomopsis sclerotioides </b> </i>.  (black root rot)
<i><b>Phomopsis sclerotioïdes</b></i> on melon
On this altered root, there are black lines within the more or less rotten root cortex: these are pseudo-stromas of <b> <i> Phomopsis sclerotioides </i> </b> (black root rot)
Detail of a <i> <b> Phomopsis sclerotioides </b> </i> pseudo-stroma on melon root.  (black rot)