Final diagnosis

Drosophila spp. (Acid rot)

In the presence of symptoms of <b> acid rot </b>, fruit flies are never far away!  They are vectors of the pathogens in question which they disperse over long distances.
<b> <i> Drosophila </i> sp. </b>: vinegar fly on a vine leaf.
Aspect of a Drosophila resting on a grape berry.  <b> <i> Drosophila </i> sp.  </b> (acid rot)
<b><i>Drosophila</i> sp </b>: head of insect.
<b> <i> Kloeckera apiculata </i> </b>: cells are retained on the legs of a Drosophila.
<b> <i> Drosophila </i> sp. </b>: <i> Kloeckera apiculata </i> cells stuck in the insect's bristles.