Final diagnosis

Potato virus Y (PVY)

Close-up of severe crinkling with distorting mottle or leaf mosaic symptoms, shiny and drooping leaflets, with wavy edges (<b>PVY</b><sup>O</sup> isolate). <i><b>Potato Virus Y</i></b> (PVY)
Close-up of mild mosaic pattern on potato plant with only slight leaf deformation (<b>PVY<sup>O</sup></b> isolate). <i><b>Potato Virus Y</i></b> (PVY)
Typical crinkle symptoms caused by <b>PVY<sup>O </sup></b>with mosaic pattern and leaf distortion associated with dwarfing and drooping appearance of the whole potato plant. <i><b>Potato Virus Y</i></b> (PVY)
Frisolée avec mosaïque, déformations foliaires et port retombant sur plante de pomme de terre. <i><b>Potato Virus Y</i></b> (PVY, virus Y de la pomme de terre)
Crinkling with severe leaf deformation and mosaic pattern in a potato plant infected by <i><b>Potato Virus Y</i></b> (PVY) (right), compared to the smooth foliage of the healthy plant (left)
Streak with necrosis and drying of the base of leaves, stunting and leaf deformations on young potato plants infected with <i> <b> Potato Virus Y </i> </b>.
Necrosis on potato leaves. <i> <b> Potato Virus Y </ i> </ b> (PVY virus Y potato)
Oak-leaf-shaped spots on potato leaves associated with a primary infection of the <b>Potato Virus Y<sup>NTN</sup></b> (PVY<sup>NTN</sup>)
Advanced disease symptoms with the development of necrotic arcs and rings, although the symptoms remain superficial with only slight penetration into the flesh of a potato tuber. <b>Potato Virus Y<sup>NTN</sup></b> (PVY<sup>NTN</sup>)
Typical symptoms of necrotic arcs and rings associated with primary <b>Potato Virus Y<sup>NTN</sup></b> (PVY<sup>NTN</sup>) infection on potato tuber